Most racers believe that you must wrap your tires in order to get the full affect from a tire softener/treatment. Would you believe me if I told you they are wrong?

When it comes to wrapping tires after a treatment you really need to pay attention to what type of product is being put on the tires. Most people believe that a tire softener does the same thing as a tire treatment but they are two completely different products. A tire softener is made to soften your tires, which in the end just sits on the outside of the tire and will only be beneficial for the first few laps. A tire treatment is actually absorbed into the tire and like discussed in our tech article, will go deep into the tire and "go to sleep".

If you are using a tire softener it is necessary to wrap your tires. This keeps whatever chemicals that are applied to the tire from evaporating. Some racers even soak fabric in the softener, wrap the tires with the fabric and then place the tires in a plastic bag. When it comes to a tire treatment, wrapping is not necessary. If the tire is wrapped the end result will actually make the car feel slick until the excess chemical is burned off which will not give the side and forward bite you are trying to achieve.

The treatment is designed to absorb into the tire and release some of its chemicals in the process. Confining the chemicals in a plastic bag will not allow the product to settle and relax like designed. Some racers will durometer their tires before and after preparation. If you do this after using a softener you will see instant results, if you do this with a treated tire you will see hardly any difference. Don't be alarmed when you do not see immediate results. The treatment will begin to work the very moment you create the first heat cycle in the tire. The treatment wakes up and rises to the surface as the layers exit the footprint of the tire and dramatically opens the pores. After the tire cools down the pores will close and the tire will return back to normal, making products like Hot Lap "undetectable". Remember, every step in the tire treatment process is crucial to get the best results, so follow the manufacturer's directions.

Information courtesy of Gaither Jenkins, ProBlend Products